Whitewater Christian Church


Serving the Laramie Community

Life Happens

Life can throw us curve balls. Our Service Team has communicated the love of Christ by helping Laramie residents in the most practical and tangible ways that impact and serve our community.

Sometimes it takes money, sometimes it takes time, sometimes it takes both.

It always takes love . Mark 10:45.

If you are seeking help or want more information, email Craig Johnson, associate pastor: craig@whitewaterchristian.com.

Want to get involved?


To help with Communion set up and clean up, email Caleb Hebbert.


If you want to bring treats on Sunday mornings, email Caleb Hebbert.


If you want to make coffee on Sunday mornings, email Caleb Hebbert.

Bible Study

If you want to lead a Bible study, email Craig Johnson.

Set Up /Tear Down

To help with set up and tear down on Sundays, email Caleb Hebbert.

Pray Chain

For people committed to praying with and for others prayer needs. Text the words PRAYER CHAIN to 1-833-223-6721

Worship Team

If you want to join the worship team (audition required), email Caleb Hebbert.


If you want to help with the youth program (background check required), email Cheri Coop.


To help with children’s church (background check required), email Ruth Troyanek.


To help run the soundboard or computer, email Caleb Hebbert.

Collect Offerings

To help collect the offerings on Sunday morning, email Caleb Hebbert.